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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Important Facts About the QT Fund

QT Umbrella Assistance Fund (QT Fund)

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As part of QSR and Weiland’s mission to support the health and wellness of students in the queer and trans communities, we are piloting a program designed to support students' medical, legal, and mental health fees associated with areas related to gender and sexuality. We created The QT Umbrella Assistance Fund (The QT Fund) as a systemic way to address and support students lived experience of being Non Binary/Trans/Queer and to acknowledge the specific financial hurdles students encounter and burdens they bear when navigating systems of inequity at Stanford and beyond. We strive to be rooted in transparency and equity, to not act as gatekeepers, and to trust students' processes, transitions, and lived realities.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


Grants up to $500 per student per academic year can be awarded and made available up front, not just for reimbursement.  The review committee will meet to review applications after each round of submissions.

This can include fees and funds needed to access:

  • Mental health counseling (ex: out of pocket or co-pays);
  • Gender affirmative medical services (ex: hormones/surgery costs);
  • Legal services (ex: changing gender markers, or other legal documentation).

In addition to funds provided by the Weiland Health Initiative and Queer Student Resources, the QT Fund includes a generous contribution from the Provost and Vice Provost of Student Affairs in acknowledgment of the higher rates of gender based violence and lower rates of connection to the University and its systems, experienced by Non Binary/Trans/Queer students.

All enrolled students at Stanford are eligible, including postdocs. Exceptions can be made for students on health-related leaves of absence. No prior involvement in or affiliation with Weiland, CAPS, Vaden, or QSR is required. Our intention is for these funds to be used to support students to access services and other resources not available on campus.

Want More Information?

Check out these FAQs! The application cycle is typically open between weeks 5-7 of each academic quarter.

To learn about the upcoming application cycle and apply, click here

QT Fund fact sheet. Linked to PDF.
Note: View high resolution PDF by tapping on graphic.
Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

For any questions email Deb Schneider, LCSW.