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Vaden exterior, 2023. Credit: Sean Mckibbon-Ray

Professional Training Programs

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Interested in further opportunities connected with CAPS? Find out more about the various training and service opportunities that are available. 

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Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology

Welcome to Stanford University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Psychology Internship Program’s website!  I appreciate your interest in our training program and I hope that the information on this website will provide you with helpful information about the training opportunities in Health Service Psychology (HSP) that CAPS offers.

Psychiatry Training at CAPS

The psychiatry training experience at Stanford Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) aims to provide psychiatry fellows and residents with a systems understanding of mental health care in a university setting. The training experience places an emphasis on recognizing how treatment fits within an individual’s identities and intersections of identities, in line with the greater mission of CAPS.  


Sandstone column in Quad. Credit: Andrew Brodhead