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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Happy diverse people holding lgbt rainbow flag. Credit: Vanessa Nunes / iStock


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Through the ongoing efforts of our staff, we have created and compiled multiple resources to help you understand concepts, learn about intersectional issues, and empower yourself.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Explaining attraction

A tip card explaining different kinds of attraction and strategies on how to broaden our minds and language.


How to be a trans and non-binary ally

An infographic card outlining some basic considerations and best practices in being an ally to folx along the gender spectrum.

Gender & Pronouns Tip Card

A tip card discussing nuances in gender and sex, things to consider, and best practices for inclusive language and allyship.

IPV in Queer Community

An infographic card outlining important interpersonal violence concepts, how they manifest, and how they show up in LGBTQ+ relationships.

Official Guide to Trans Resources at Stanford. Linked to full guide.

Official Trans Guide

This is an official digital guide to resources and information pertaining to trans, non-binary, and gender questioning students at Stanford. This resource guide is a constantly evolving collaborative effort between members of the Stanford trans community, staff, and the many offices, services, programs and organizations at Stanford committed to supporting them.

Queer Black Media Representation

A beginning digital and physical curation of affirming conversations, narratives & characters. Physical resources can be found at Weiland/Well-Being's library on the garden level of Kingscote Gardens. Feel free to suggest additions by going to the Canva link!

PrEP 101

An info sheet discussing basic facts about PrEP and answering common questions.

Weiland Virtual Library

The Stanford Library collection for gender resources can be accessed through Stanford Library, free online, or for purchase!

Queerness Throughout Asian History

This small collection of Queer Ancestors aims to connect queer AAPIs with different ideas of queerness grounded in their own cultures. Feel free to peruse the collection and leave a love note for other queer AAPIs!

Feel free to share the Queerness Throughout Asian History collection!

'First Aid Kit' cover overlaid on an illustration of flowers.
First Aid Kit

Dear Family

For all the excitement around “going home” over break, the end of the quarter can also be an incredibly lonely, stressful, and painful time for LGBTQ+ and queer-identifying folks as gender, sexuality, and identity overlap with family dynamics and the observance of holidays that celebrate colonization. As queer people who have been through our share of difficult winters, we want you to know that it’s okay to feel sad or anxious or nervous about navigating the upcoming break. It’s okay to not want to “go home.” It’s okay to spend this time with friends or chosen family. It’s okay to not celebrate at all.

In this first aid kit, you’ll find advice, numbers for shelters and hotlines, links to affirming holiday messages from queer content creators, and step-by-step guides for administering emotional self-care. Whether it’s your first queer holiday at Stanford or your last, know that you’re not alone -- reach out if you want or need to talk anytime. We’re listening.

With radical love, Jay Liu (they/them/theirs) & Vianna Vo (she/her/hers)Weiland Health Associates 2019-2020

How Do I Know...?

Do you have questions about your identity? While these questions don't have straightforward answers, here are some cards to help you out and provide some reassurance. 

You can access the cards through this link!

Therapy is like Gardening: A Resource Guide to Demystify Mental Health

Mental health, therapy, self-care, etc. are words that are thrown around a lot without much explanation or guidance. This guide, created by mental health professionals across campus, hopes to provide clear, succinct information about each of these concepts and more. Each concept will be described, corresponding elements will be named, myths will be busted and resources will be given if you’d like to learn more and apply these concepts to your life. While this guide is not a substitute for mental health care, we hope it will empower you in your own healing and self-care journey!

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

If you'd like to suggest a resource, feel free to email us!