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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Biking to class, 2024. Credit: Andrew Brodhead

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CAPS provides an array of mental health services available to students: clinical services, groups and workshops, and options for care outside of CAPS. Additionally, satellite clinics in multiple community centers offer Let’s Talk in community. 

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Support Options

CAPS Clinical Services

CAPS providers are committed to supporting you on your mental health journey.

CAPS Groups & Workshops

Joining a group or workshop with other students can be beneficial by increasing feelings of connectedness and understanding. 

Let's Talk in Community

Satellite clinics in multiple community centers offer Let’s Talk in community. You can meet individually with a CAPS clinician to get support, learn about therapy, and potentially get help connecting to therapy. 

Options for Care Outside of CAPS

Clinicians at CAPS can help you get connected with some of the many excellent therapists and psychiatrists who provide mental health care in the community surrounding Stanford.

CAPS banner in shades of blue with a reduced version of the CAPS infographic right justified in frame.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): Infographic

Explore an overview of CAPS services as well as learn how to schedule an appointment through our downloadable info graphic.