24/7, 365 days/year supplemental resource for virtual medical and mental health care. TimelyCare is offered as a supplement to the extensive existing in-person and virtual services offered by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Vaden Medical Services, and other Vaden and on-campus resources. This no cost service offers enrolled students residing in the United States virtual medical and mental health care 24/7, 365 days/year and up to 12 scheduled mental health therapy sessions per academic year.

Access TimelyCare Through This Link*
* Login to timelycare.com/stanford or download the TimelyCare app to access care.
Frequently Asked Questions About TimelyCare
TimelyCare is a virtual medical and mental health care service that is available to any enrolled students at no cost 24/7, 365 days/year. It is offered as a supplement to the extensive existing in-person and virtual services offered by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Vaden Medical Services, and other Vaden and on-campus resources.
Login to timelycare.com/stanford or download the TimelyCare app to access care. You will need to use your Stanford email to login.
All currently enrolled Stanford students who reside in the United States have access to TimelyCare. Students are able to schedule sessions from wherever they are in the United States.
TimelyCare does not replace existing resources for students who are studying or traveling overseas, since its clinicians are licensed only in the United States.
TimelyCare’s providers can offer support for a wide range of common concerns, and after talking with you, will decide on the best course of treatment.
TimelyCare is offered at no cost to all enrolled Stanford students. You will not incur any fee for using this service and will not be asked to provide credit card information or proof of insurance at any time. Vaden Health Services will cover these costs.
- MedicalNow: On-demand treatment/advice for common health issues, including cold, flu, and allergies
- TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand emotional support to talk about anything, including anxiety, relationships, depression, and school-related stressors
- Schedule Medical: Choose the day, time, and medical provider that best works for you
- Scheduled Counseling: Choose the day, time, and mental health provider that works best for you (12 visits/academic year)
- Self-Care Content: Visit the Explore page within TimelyCare for guided self-care content
- Counseling: This model will help students with mild to moderate mental health needs who could benefit from additional support. Students with more acute or urgent needs should connect with CAPS’ existing 24/7 support. Students with longer-term or more intensive needs can still engage with providers covered by their insurance
- Medical: Immediate access to a clinician who can diagnose and treat, or provide advice about medical conditions that can be assessed virtually
Care is fully paid for by Vaden Health Services- there are no copays or other costs to students. Students do not have to engage with their insurance plans to pay for the visits.
TimelyCare services are 100 percent virtual- phone and video.
You are able to see a counselor through the service that you feel most comfortable with. We just ask that you do not use both services at the same time. This may become confusing for both you and the counselor.
TimelyCare is available to all enrolled Stanford students residing in the United States 24/7, 365 days per year.
The following services are not offered through TimelyCare: psychiatric medication services, lab tests, and radiology. Students will be referred to Vaden for help in accessing these services.
Please call 911 (or 9-911 on a campus phone) for any medical or life-threatening emergency.
TimelyCare is not meant to replace Vaden resources for students with urgent medical or mental health needs.
Students may refer themselves to TimelyCare.
TimelyCare staff will not be able to see your Vaden health records. Authorized Vaden staff can access "visit" records generated by TimelyCare clinicians, on a need-to-know basis.
If you have questions or have trouble logging in, call 833.484.6359.
Additional student support resources may be found at TimelyCare's Support Website.