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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Woman holding glucose meter on pink wall. Credit: @jcomp, via Freepik


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Universities present lifestyle challenges due to distance from families and familiar medical care (even if only a few miles), changes in physical activity level, dining in a cafeteria, exposure to alcohol, and changes in friends and relationships. You may have considered many of these factors already, but if you have not you may begin to think about how these will affect your diabetes management.  There may be additional challenges with managing your diabetes and your busy schedule.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


There are resources at Stanford available to assist you along this transition.  Vaden Health Center is available to provide Primary Care Services.  In addition, Vaden offers general nutrition and wellness counseling as well as Counseling and Psychologic Services (CAPS). The Continuity of Care Nurse at Vaden is available to assist you with managing your medical needs. You may contact her at 650.725.0984 for help obtaining the care you need while on campus.

Another important resource for you is the College Diabetes Network.  The website should be viewed as it has a wealth of information about preparing for university life. Information on Stanford’s local chapter may be found here

Some things to consider as you prepare for Stanford 

Medication and supplies
  • Plan adequate supplies.  If you use Insulin you will need to bring your syringes and plan for refrigeration. 
  • A Walgreens Pharmacy is located at Vaden Health Center.  You may use this pharmacy for your medications.  In addition, there are other pharmacies located within 1 mile of campus. 
  • Your blood glucose monitoring system should be included on your packing list.
  • Vaden Health Center may provide you with a syringe box which you may return for replacement when it is full. Please come to Vaden to request this equipment.
Accommodations and roomates and friends
Medical appointments
  • Incoming students with Type 1 Diabetes should schedule an appointment with a Vaden clinician to establish care. This is the best way to receive referrals to specialists (if needed).
  • Many students find it helpful to have a local Endocrinologist while on campus.  You may wish to talk to your endocrinologist for a recommendation. If you need a referral to an endocrinologist while you are on campus, one of the Vaden clinicians may make a referral for you.  You will have access to Stanford Medical Center and Menlo Medical Clinic. These specialists are covered in Cardinal Care Insurance.  A co-payment will be required. If you do not have Cardinal Care, you will have to check your insurance for covered providers.
  • Ongoing visits should occur every 3 months for patients taking insulin and every 3-6 months for patients with type 2 diabetes not taking insulin, according to ADA recommendations.*
  • Illnesses may affect your blood sugar level.  Make sure you closely monitor your blood glucose when you are ill.  Do not wait to schedule an appointment at Vaden if you are ill. If you are not sure whether you need a visit, Vaden has a nurse who is available by phone. In addition, a physician on call is available after hours for phone advice.
  • Annual eye exams may be completed when you go home during breaks, or you may see an optometrist at Vaden if covered by your insurance.
  • You should consider getting a flu shot when available in the fall. Vaden offers the flu vaccine at no charge for registered students.
Coping in college
  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is the university’s counseling center dedicated to student mental health and well-being. If you are feeling overwhelmed or just need a little help in dealing with things you may contact CAPS to schedule an appointment.  Here is some information.
  • If you are not planning to sign up for Cardinal Care Insurance, you should check to make sure your current insurance covers care at Stanford Health Care and Stanford Specialty Clinics.  If it does not, we strongly encourage you to enroll in Cardinal Care. This is especially important for students with pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Undergraduate students on full financial aid should check with the Financial Aid Office at (888) 326-3773 regarding coverage of the cost of Cardinal Care prior to making a decision to waive coverage.
Stylish white background with diagonal lines. Credit: @starline, via Freepik

Medical Condition Note

If your medical condition has specific treatment recommendations from your current provider, we recommend that you request a Transition of Care Summary from your current clinician.  This document should include:

• Your diagnosis with ICD-10 code
• Your current status
• A brief history of treatments including those which failed
• Recommendations for care while at Stanford (including medical management and diagnostic tests)