Weiland staff know that social change demands work on intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, and levels. As such, we contribute to multiple efforts to raise awareness, increase inclusivity, and challenge harmful systems.
QT Umbrella Assistance Fund (QT Fund)
As part of QSR and Weiland’s mission to support the health and wellness of students in the queer and trans communities, we are piloting a program designed to support students' medical, legal, and mental health fees associated with areas related to gender and sexuality. We created The QT Umbrella Assistance Fund (The QT Fund) as a systemic way to address and support students lived experience of being Non Binary/Trans/Queer and to acknowledge the specific financial hurdles students encounter and burdens they bear when navigating systems of inequity at Stanford and beyond. We strive to be rooted in transparency and equity, to not act as gatekeepers, and to trust students' processes, transitions, and lived realities.