Stanford Well-Being Resources
Accessible support available wherever you are
- Urgent Resources
Call 911 (9-911 from a university phone).- National Suicide Prevention Hotline - (800) 273-8255
- CAPS on-call Available for all students 24/7 at (650) 723-3785
- Confidential Support Team (CST) Available for all students impacted by sexual assault and relationship violence 24/7 at (650) 725-9955.
- Vaden Medical Services Available for all students 24/7 at (650) 498-2336.
- Trevor Lifeline or call 1-866-488-7386
- On-call Residence Dean (undergraduates) (650) 504-8022
- On-call Graduate Life Office Dean (graduate and professional students) (650) 723-7288, pager ID 25085
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (postdoc trainees) (650) 725-5075
- Coaching, Counseling & Emotional Support
Well-Being at Stanford Coaching: Coaches available for students through Well-Being at Vaden Health Services will be offered via Zoom until further notice.
The Bridge Peer Counseling Center - will be offering peer counseling sessions via video and phone 3-9pm PST starting 3/30/2020 (M-F first week then 7 days a week).
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): updates available at https://vaden.stanford.edu/open-serve-students
Stanford Career Education offers coaching to help you with understanding what you want, supporting your job/internship search, and working with you on career skills.
Nutrition appointments are available via Zoom for students in certain states; sign up via VadenPatient.
- General Health & Wellness
Vaden Health Services: updates on COVID-19 response and resources available during shelter-in place from Medical Services, CAPS, CST, Weiland, Well-Being and Insurance.
COVID-19 Information for Students from Vaden Health Services
Stanford Health Alerts
COVID-19 Response and Resources By Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU)
Stanford Mutual Aid – Student Support Site: Collection of information that covers topics ranging from centralized COVID-19 information, finding housing, information about academics and other helpful resources/tools for students. This website is not hosted by Stanford.
Virtual Recreation and Wellness : virtual wellness and recreation events and resources for the entire Stanford community
The WELL: Stanford student wellness website
Cardinal Nights: virtual community, connection and recovery resources
Stanford Live curates a digital spring season including many of the artists and events originally scheduled to appear on campus this quarter.
Museums From Home by Cantor Arts Center and the Anderson Collection suggests what to watch, read, and explore to enjoy Stanford art museums from home.
- Community-Specific Resources
Note: Community Centers have closed their physical spaces under shelter-in-place guidelines, and staff are creating strategies to support virtual community. Please check Community Center websites to see what is available and offer suggestions.
Asian American Activities Center (A3C) builds a community of Asian and Asian American students, faculty, staff and alumni that fosters greater understanding and awareness of the Asian experience in America.
Bechtel International Center provides COVID-19 information for international students.
Black Community Services Center (BCSC) focuses on supporting the total advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups within the Stanford community.
El Centro Chicano y Latino (El Centro) works to support Chicano and Latino students academically, personally, socially and culturally.
First-Gen and/or Low Income (FLI) Office connects first-generation and/or low-income (FLI) students to resources, builds community and fosters a sense of belonging through mentorship and advocacy. Currently offering FLI Fridays via Zoom & FLI Community Mentor virtual meet-ups.
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) staff are available to members of Greek organizations during spring quarter.
Graduate Life Office (GLO) is the community hub for all Stanford graduate students.
Hillel at Stanford (Hillel) empowers Jewish students at Stanford to explore and deepen their Jewish identities, and to envision their futures with choices inspired by Jewish values and commitments.
Markaz Resource Center (The Markaz) supports a vibrant community of students who identify with or are interested in Muslim experiences both here and around the world.
Native American Cultural Center (NACC) works to improve the quality of life for American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Indigenous Pacific Islanders. Our community reaches out to new students and their families to help them adjust to life at Stanford, and to help them realize goals and prepare for the future.
Office for Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC) offers a wide array of support and resources for military and veteran community members.
Office of Student Engagement (OSE) provides a comprehensive list of over 650 student organizations. Contact individual organizations for information on virtual spring quarter events.
Queer Student Resources (QSR) is a community of students, university staff, and faculty working to make Stanford a place where people of all genders and sexualities can flourish.
Women's Community Center (WCC) exists to facilitate growth and engagement for Stanford students around issues of gender, equity, identity, and justice. I
- Sexual Violence Resources
- Queer Community Resources
The QT Fund (a collaboration between Weiland and QSR) is available for queer and trans students seeking financial support for mental health, medical and legal needs. Applications open Week 4 of Spring Q.
Queer Student Resources (QSR) is a community of students, university staff, and faculty working to make Stanford a place where people of all genders and sexualities can flourish.
Trans& is a space for trans students to meet with other trans students, now available virtually via Discord.
Transgender Support: Website offering a range of resources for trans students, faculty, staff and post-docs at Stanford.
Weiland Health Initiative is offering counseling sessions for students across the gender and sexuality spectrum in California via Zoom, and brief phone support for students out-of-state.
Queer Chart Slack is a student-run community space for Stanford queer womxn to casually meet each other , including trans and gender non-conforming folks.
- Alcohol & Drug Resources
Office of Alcohol Policy & Education offers ongoing support, education, and programming.
Hosting a Virtual Happy Hour Guidelines and Tips
Cardinal Nights is offering virtual events and weekly resource messages.
Virtual All-Recovery Weekly Meeting is being hosted by the Stanford Recovery Community.
- Learning & Academic Resources
Office of Accessible Education & COVID-19
Diversity and Access Office can answer your questions/concerns about disability-related accommodations and/or accessibility to any Stanford activity.
Undergraduate Academic Advising provides general information about academic resources, policies, links to registration forms, and other useful information. Students can also make an appointment with their academic advisor.
The Learning Hub has created a resource for students who are experiencing challenges with reliable wifi/internet access from their current off-campus location:
Technical Support during Stanford’s response to COVID-19
Stanford Libraries provides access to e-resources and remote reference during Spring Quarter.
VPGE offers virtual learning opportunities for graduate students
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers virtual appointments and drop-in tutoring and academic coaching and has prepared a list of remote learning tips.
Haas Center for Public Service offers a Community Care page for students who want to do something to help during the pandemic.
- Financial Well-Being
Student Financial Services (SFS) offers information for all students about the University Bill, payment methods, refunds, dates, deadlines, and more.
Spring 2020 Financial Support for Undergraduates
Mind Over Money has tools to assist you in planning for Spring Quarter finances in light of COVID-19 changes.
The QT Fund (a collaboration between Weiland and QSR) is available for queer and trans students seeking financial support for mental health, medical and legal needs. Applications open Week 4 of Spring Q.
- Spiritual Well-Being
The Office for Religious Life has created a new online resource to provide a virtual space for reflection, contemplation, and meaning making. If you would like to connect to a clergy person on our team please fill out this form.
Stanford Associated Religions (SAR): 30 religious organizations invited to offer their spiritual services to the campus, many of which have added virtual options.
Sky@Stanford hosts weekly virtual meditation sessions.