The PEERs are paid undergraduate (and co-term) peer educators that Prevent harms, Educate about holistic health and well-being, Empower our community, and Refer students to campus resources. They are trained in the fundamentals of public health as it relates to the following topic areas: substance use, sexual citizenship, and mental health and wellbeing. Stay in Touch with the PEERs via Instagram or join our program's listserv!

More About the PEERS Program
The PEERs (prevent, educate, empower, refer) Program is a collaboration between the Office of Substance Use Programs, Education and Resources (SUPER) and the SHARE Education Team. PEERs promote an integrated model of health and well-being that recognizes these topics do not exist within a vacuum of one another. They are educators who can speak to the nuances of where topics overlap and diverge and how they directly relate to the student experience.
The PEERs program was born out of a specific recommendation embedded in the alcohol solutions group 2019 final report. PEER education is a cornerstone with Stanford and within the SUPER office. We are dedicated to a public health approach and partnering with student to accomplish our goals and making Stanford a safe, healthy, and thriving community.
PEERs Frequently Asked Questions
Want to learn more about The PEERs? Here you can access our frequently asked questions about the program.