Vaden Frequently Asked Questions
Access answers to our frequently asked questions that we receive at Vaden Health Services.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between “required” vs. “recommended” vaccinations?
Required vaccinations are enforced for school entry; Stanford requires that all students have 2 (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccinations after their first birthday. Recommended vaccinations are important for your health. They are not required for entry to Stanford. The reason for requiring immunizations is to ensure that all students have proper immunity to avoid the spread of disease/illness throughout the campus community & to ensure that students are protected in case of any outbreak on campus.
Do I need to have a physical exam prior to coming to Stanford University?
While it is a good idea to finish any ongoing treatments before you leave for school, Stanford does not require you to have a physical exam.
What if I cannot meet the health requirement deadlines?
If you do not complete and submit your health documentation on time, a hold will be placed on your enrollment. The hold will prevent you from registering for classes and as a result, you may incur additional registration fees, lose pre-selected classes, and loan and/or stipend checks may be interrupted. It is important that you complete the health requirements by the applicable deadline.
I can’t find my immunization records or my doctor has retired. Do I need to have the required vaccination(s)?
If you cannot locate your immunization records, you have two options:
- You can be re-immunized
- See your doctor re: having a blood test to determine immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella.
Please note that if your blood test indicates you are not immune, or the result is negative or equivocal you will need to be re-immunized by the deadline.
My vaccination records, blood test results, and/or x-ray reports are written in a language other than English, will Vaden accept them?
No, immunization records, blood test results, x-ray reports and related medical information must be translated into English by official translation before they will be accepted.
What if I complete the online forms but don’t submit the immunization form signed by a physician/medical provider?
You can submit immunization information that has been printed from your current health record, but it must show the name of the facility and provider. Alternatively, you can use the form we provide, which must be signed by your provider. The immunization information is required and must be submitted. If it is not submitted, you may be placed on hold.
What is a hold?
A hold is a status which prevents you from being able to register for classes. It may cause you to incur additional registration fees; lose pre-selected classes; or create interruption to your loan and stipend checks.
How should I send the completed immunization form to Vaden? Should I send my forms by fax or by email?
The preferred method to submit your forms is to upload them directly using the secure web portal, VadenPatient, which places them into your Vaden medical record. You will then be able to enter the dates for each proof-of-vaccine you are submitting. Choose one form of delivery only; upload (preferred and fastest!), fax, or postal mail. For faxed documents, each page must have your legal name (in English) and your date of birth.
What if I have additional immunizations after I have submitted the Immunization form?
You may provide additional information the same way you submit original information. The preferred method to submit information is to upload them directly using the secure web portal, VadenPatient, which places it into your Vaden medical record. If you send or fax a copy of an updated record to Vaden Health Center, include a statement explaining that it is an update.
I am on hold. What do I do now?
Contact Vaden Health Center directly or notify us to obtain instructions about what you will need to do. Only Vaden Health Center can remove your hold. Because the process may involve your protected health information, we will not discuss your hold status with third parties such as your school administration, professors, parents, or anyone else without your explicit consent.
If I become compliant will the hold be removed automatically?
The process is not automatic, holds are manually removed. It typically takes about 24 hours for a hold to be removed once you have become compliant. Important: Please note that holds can only be removed 8 am–5pm, Monday–Friday.
I am a previous Stanford University student returning to start a new academic program (e.g., undergraduate to graduate). I fulfilled these requirements already. Do I have to complete them again?
Previous Stanford University students returning to start a new academic program should make sure they are up- to-date with current health requirements.
If I am not able to have my QFT (Quantiferon TB Blood test) or measles-mumps-rubella immunization where I currently live; am I able to have these done upon arrival to campus?
Yes, we can provide these for a fee. Come to the Vaden Health Center or call us and we will make an appointment for you.
What if I've had the BCG vaccine?
History of BCG immunization does not fulfill this requirement, and it does not preclude you from needing to get a TB blood test. We recommend getting a QFT (examples of accepted tests are Quantiferon-Tuberculosis Gold or T-spot blood). We accept QFT results from any country.
What happens if my Tuberculosis blood test result is positive?
Submit the TB blood test results. A chest x-ray is required.
Are students born in Taiwan or Hong Kong required to complete the Tuberculosis (TB) Testing and Clearance?
Yes, TB testing is required.