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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Hoover Tower in Stanford University framed with sacura blooming. Credit: spvvk / iStock

Do You Need to Be Tested for TB?

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Are you a medical or physician assistant student? or Did you answer "Yes" to any question of the TB Screen questionnaire?

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.
I am not a medical or physician assistant student, and I answered 'NO' to ALL of the questions on the TB Screen questionnaire. 

You are cleared for TB. 

No further action is required. 

I am a medical or physician assistant student, or I answered 'YES' to at least one of the questions on the TB Screen questionnaire. 
Choose the option below that describes your history with TB. 


Option 1
I answered 'YES' to at least one question on the TB Screen questionnaire, or I am a medical or physician assistant student, but I have never had a positive TB test result (skin or blood).
ACTION: You will need to have a blood test for TB
  • Acceptable tests include QuantiFERON-TB Gold and T-Spot TB. A history of BCG vaccination does not fulfill this requirement, nor does a PPD, TST, or Mantoux skin test. 
  • Your TB blood test must be performed within the 6 months prior to your Stanford University start date. 
  • If you blood test result is equivocal or positive, proceed to Option 2. 
Submitting Results*
  • If your blood test is negative for TB infection, submit the results to Vaden Health Center.
  • Make sure your name, date of birth, and student ID are on the submission. 
Submission Complete
You have completed this requirement and no further action for TB clearance is needed. 
Option 2

I answered 'YES' to at least one question on the TB screen questionnaire, or I am a medical or physician assistant student, and have a history of a positive TB test result (skin or blood).

ACTION: You will need to have a chest x-ray
  • Find documentation of your positive TB test. If you do not have proof of a positive test, you will need to be retested with a blood test. 
  • Your chest x-ray must be performed within the 6 months prior to your Stanford University start date. 
Submitting Results*
  • Submit the x-ray report (no images) and proof of your positive TB test to Vaden Health Center.
  • Make sure your name, date of birth, and student ID are on the submissions. 
  • If you have been treated for either active or inactive TB, and you have documentation of the treatment provided (medications and dates), please submit it with your x-ray report and proof of positive TB test for your record. 
Submission Complete
You have completed this requirement. A nurse will reach out to your about treatment options. 

*Worldwide testing and results are accepted, but ALL results must be translated into English prior to submission.

Aerial view of Stanford University campus. Credit: spvvk / Deposit Photos

Health Requirements

All individuals who are new to Stanford—frosh, undergraduate transfers, graduate students, and others—must meet certain Health Requirements before joining the campus community. These requirements are in place to ensure that students have the proper vaccinations to help prevent the spread of disease and are protected in case of an outbreak on campus.

Entrance of the Memorial Court in Main Quad of Stanford University, 2022 Credit: yhelfman